What We Do
Adult Mental Health Program
Provides case management services for adults who need behavioral health services to prevent psychiatric hospitalization.
Child and Adolescent Case Management Program
Provides case management services for children ages 3 – 18 years, who require psycho-social rehabilitation and behavioral health services.
Clara Hope House
Provides residential housing in a community setting and an array of responsive services for 8 homeless adult mentally ill consumers with or without a co-occurring disorder of substance abuse and will help them achieve their highest level of self-efficiency.
Community Supervised Residential Services for Williams Consent Decree Class Members
Provides transitional residential and support services to individuals diagnosed with serious mental illness, who are residents of nursing facilities as they transition to permanent supportive housing in accordance with the Williams Consent Decree. These individually based services include a community support team, case management, life skills and counseling.
Crisis Counseling
Funded by a contract by Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health (IDHS), HSI is helping vulnerable populations in Berwyn, Cicero, Stickney, and the Austin community recover from the historic floods that devastated communities last summer.
Partnering closely with DMH, HSI is providing individual and group counseling as well as community outreach utilizing social media, fliers, direct mail, and other ways to educate Cook County residents about the Crisis Counseling Program efforts and resources available to them.
The Crisis Counseling Program services provides referrals to local resources who can assist with food, transportation, housing, mental and behavioral health counseling and more. The HSI Crisis Counseling Program team uses surveys developed by FEMA to collect data which will provide information regarding the specific needs of people in the coverage area.
DD Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA)
DD CILA provides living arrangements and a supportive environment within the community where individuals with a mental disability are supervised and provided with an array of needed services. Both DD CILA and MI CILA programs are designed to meet the needs of these individuals and allow them to explore and achieve personal growth through access to community facilities and services.
Emergency Housing Program
Provides supervised residential homelike environment for persons in crisis situations who suffer psychiatric illness and/or substance abuse. Services are available to people who are unable to live independently, but do not require hospitalization. The program provides linkage to other agencies for day treatment programs, vocational counselling, financial aid, medical care and counseling. Our goal is to help our clients develop their potential, achieve stability and improve independence.
Employment & Training Department
The Employment & Training Department offers services that include instruction in basic independent living skills, sheltered employment training and preparation for placement in supportive and/or competitive employment for persons with developmental disabilities. Our various programs assist consumers to achieve their maximum independence level by increasing their earning capacity, self-esteem and self-sufficiency.
Empowerment House Program (SUPR Level III.I)
A 32-bed halfway house for chemically dependent men who are in the recovery process. Men in this 120-day residential program receive individual and group counseling and intensive case management services to develop and implement strategies to meet the objectives of independent and drug-free living. More permanent housing and employment are primary focuses while in the program.
Gun Violence Prevention
- Community Outreach – We have successfully connected with over 400 individuals in the communities within our service area making a meaningful impact by connecting them to resources and services and providing violence awareness, psychoeducational trainings and resource support.
- Community Events – We have successfully organized monthly events, consistently engaging over 50 participants in each of these events.
- Case Management – We have over 70 youth currently enrolled in our gun violence prevention case management services.
Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment (IDDT)
Provides comprehensive mental health and substance abuse assessment and treatment strategies for dually diagnosed consumers. IDDT collaborates with a larger MISA consortium network of community providers and enables the Residential MI programs to leverage MISA services to all the consumers in need of assessment and treatment. The IDDT clients are integrated into our Emergency Housing.
Mental Health Pre-Admission Screening (MH/PAS)
Provides screenings and assessments for persons with severe mental illness who are seeking admission to public aid funded nursing home facilities and/or need specialized rehabilitative services. Resident Review and Targeted Case Management are set up to review nursing home placements and readiness for change to various levels of care and case management support services.
Provides supervised residential services for adults that have a mental illness and/or developmental disability. This MI CILA program is designed to meet the needs of these types of individuals and allow them to explore and achieve personal growth through access to community facilities and programs.
120 units for seniors.
Project for Assistance in Transitioning from Homeless (PATH)
Provides community-based outreach, mental health, substance abuse, case management and housing services. Services include screening, assessment, linkage, and referrals to appropriate level of care for homeless adults. The program’s goal is to reduce homelessness, recidivism and stabilize support systems.
Restorative Justice
The Restorative Justice Program focuses on reducing recidivism among offenders, diverting at-risk youth from the court system, and reducing incidence of violence by increasing competency and building community relationships.
Substance Use Prevention & Recovery (SUPR)
Level I & II: Outpatient and intensive outpatient treatment programs are designed to help clients obtain and maintain sobriety through counseling, case management and referral services. Individual, group and family counseling ensures that clients gain an appreciation for an alcohol and drug-free lifestyle.
Tabitha House (SUPR Level III.I)
A 16-bed recovery home for chemically dependent women who are in the recovery process. Women in this residential program receive individual and group counseling and intensive case management services to develop and implement strategies to meet the objectives of independent and drug-free living. More permanent housing and employment are primary focuses while in the program.

Quick List
Child and Adolescent Case Management Program
Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA)
Community Supervised Residential Services for Williams Consent Decree Class Members
Employment & Training Department
Empowerment House Program (SUPR Level III.I)
Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment (IDDT)
Mental Health Pre-Admission Screening (MH/PAS)
Permanent Supportive Housing Services
Project for Assistance in Transitioning from Homeless (PATH)