HSI is the only human service provider on Chicago’s Westside that operates a Community-Based Research Institute. We have our own Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Federal wide Assurance (FWA) that allow us to solicit funding support and collaborate on research activities, while ensuring the full protection of all persons involved. We have academic affiliations with over 15 academic institutions and associations. Support for the institution allows an increased capacity to serve more interns and offer further enhancements to our research infrastructure.
Research & Education Initiatives
- Argosy University
- Aurora University
- Chicago Public Schools
- Chicago School of Professional Psychology
- Chicago State University
- City Colleges of Chicago
- Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
- Community Mental Health
- Dominican University
- Harvard University
- Harold Washington College
- Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities
- Illinois Institute of Technology
- Loyola University
- Midwest Psychological Association
- National Black Child Development Institute
- Northeastern Illinois University
- Council Roosevelt University
- Rush University Medical Center
- University of Illinois – Circle
Research & Education Initiatives
- Argosy University
- Aurora University
- Chicago Public Schools
- Chicago School of Professional Psychology
- Chicago State University
- City Colleges of Chicago
- Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
- Community Mental Health
- Dominican University
- Harvard University
- Harold Washington College
- Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities
- Illinois Institute of Technology
- Loyola University
- Midwest Psychological Association
- National Black Child Development Institute
- Northeastern Illinois University
- Council Roosevelt University
- Rush University Medical Center
- University of Illinois – Circle
Dew to Social Workers…Yes We Can!
Donald J. Dew Addresses UIC College of Social Work Commencement
May 8, 2009
Preventing Youth Violence in Communities: What Does the Evidence Tell Us?
Preventing Youth Violence in Communities
The University of Chicago
“If Youth Can” Al from HSI
Al form HSI
Al from Habilitative Systems, Inc. discusses how they use the best practices in their work to develop life skills in children and adolescents. This was recorded as a participant of the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Urban Youth Trauma Centers project.
If Youth Can” Yvonne from HSI
Yvonne from HSI
Yvonne Elliott from Habilitative Systems, Inc. discusses how they implement the best practices through their work in identifying signs of trauma. This was recorded as a participant of the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Urban Youth Trauma Centers project.